2020 – What a crazy time in the world, COVID-19 is sweeping the world – the severity of it becomes more apparent day by day. There is no denying that life & routine is changing for us all. The unknowns push and pulls at us, we all want to make sense of it all, to know whats next. I believe we will come out of this, life will resume…my hope is that we come out the other side better than ever.
The other day my mom sent our family a text;
“I would love to take this time to use our gifts and share with each other….lets make the most of this time together & apart”
Over the past couple days as a family we have painted, played a competitive game of scrabble, we are half way through a 1,000 piece puzzle, made some great meals – a few frozen pizzas too, worked out together & apart, we have laughed, facetimed with friends & family & we have gone into our corners to read & write alone. WE are learning to BE. We are slowing down & discovering what it means to live within the moment. We are learning to Trust because there is so much unknown. Across the world, we are universally experiencing this TOGETHER. I hope that years from now families look back on this time of “social distancing” with more awareness of how precious life is. Right now, its very important that we hold those who are hurting from all this, that we hold them closely in our hearts and prayers.
I hope that a year from now families see that they are better, stronger, they are more present, less rushed and desire more connection than ever before.
We are believing for you & yours that this time is precious, that you savor the little moments, that your kids connect, that you and your partner bond in ways that you see your team strengthening in new and creative ways. Remember to be flexible, to have grace on yourselves, you are not meant to become the best teacher, lean on each other, dance, appreciate LIFE. Because if we use this time wisely… we will look back at this time carrying beautiful connective memories.
Just do us, the future, a favor – wash your damn hands & stay inside.
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